Don’t be Independent. Be Interdependent.

By Morag Barrett on August 18, 2015

Posted by Morag Barrett | August 18, 2015Don’t be Independent. Be Interdependent.Do you pride yourself in being able to get things done?Do you face each challenge head on, on your own?Do you try not to be a “bother” to other people?If so you could be suffering from a severe case of independence! I am still recovering from 40+ years of working and striving to be independent. Someone who needed little supervision or input from others. Laudable in many ways, but with hindsight, a limiting belief in so many others.Why? Because the world of work is a team sport. You are dependent on others for your success. You can’t (and don’t) high perform alone.Think about it, even as a solopreneur (as I was for 6 years) you are dependent on your clients, your advisors, your family and friends. Success is not simply through your own efforts.Here’s what I have learned in the 8 years of running my own business. Asking for help, advice and guidance is OK. When you say “please can you help me?” the sky doesn’t fall in, people don’t think less of you – in fact, people (the ones you want around anyway) want to help you. I share more about my personal journey to interdepenence in Cultivate. The Power of Winning Relationships.My challenge to you for 2015, is don’t be independent. Find ways to be interdependent. Success is easier to achieve together and more fun to celebrate when you have a team cheering you on!Related ArticlesTags »building high performing teamsCultivating Winning Relationshipsteam building denver Share